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Treasures Art Gallery


Annaluigia Boeretto (born in 1976) is known as the Venetian artist, Annalu. She graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice in 1999 and currently lives and works in the city from her palafitta home on the river Piave Passarella in San Dona di Piave. Annalu, for many years has been working as a graphic/painter and sculptor in Italy and abroad. She belongs to the kind of artists for whom the domain of matter, chemistry and physical substances, are part of a wider process of exploration that certainly involve art but also the more intangible dimensions of the spirit. In the works of Annalu there is a sense of metamorphosis, in passing, of evolution as a sort of journey between different states, between different realities, a spirit of inquiry that shares some typical aspects of the science of alchemy. An artist disciple of metamorphosis intent to penetrate the mysteries of creation, capable of assembling incongruent elements such as resin and paper, bark and fiberglass, bitumen and sand, cement and roots, to create new realities, suspended worlds where alchemy is lightness. Annalu has won numerous awards and commendations, has been chosen as the Italian representative in the international collective at the Moya Museum of Vienna and she has exhibited in numerous Italian and foreign museums. Her works are part of public and private collections all over the world.

The soul made up of butterflies, a vibrant swarm of thoughts ready to take flight, miraculous fruit of a metamorphosis w [...]

Treasures Art Gallery

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